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4 Gutter Problems That Could Cost You THOUSANDS

Posted on June 19, 2019
By Aussie Gutter Protection
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    It may not be at the front of your mind, but you should always make sure that your gutters are in working order, especially when a lot of wind and rain is on the way – they are a gutter’s worst enemies. If they’re not maintained properly, you could face problems such as interior flooding and water damage, rotting fascia, and sagging.

    Autumn Spells Trouble for Gutters

    Autumn is a bad time for gutters. Leaves are constantly falling from the trees and blowing in the wind, straight into your gutters. People think that the crunchy leaves are the best part of autumn, but when they get wet, mushy, and no fun anymore, it’s the gutters that face the biggest consequences. The leaves get pulled along the gutter with the water and end up getting stuck, piling up and up until they block it completely. It’s easy to forget about your gutters over the autumn months, but it’s important that you keep them maintained, especially before the winter months kick in.

    Bird-proof gutter mesh tightly secured over a suburban home’s gutters, visibly free from leaves and nesting materials.

    1) Discourage Birds with Bird Proof Guttering

    If there’s one thing you’ll never forget, it’s swooping season. During swooping season, you do not want birds nesting in your gutters, so it’s important to have the necessary precautions in place. You should try to make sure that all of your guttering is stick-free and avoid it being the ideal nesting place. Having birds’ nests can even devalue your house because of this! Although there is no fool-proof way to stop the nesting, many companies offer ‘bird proof’ guttering, which includes things like spikes and guards to prevent the birds from entering.

    Of course, it’s not only during swooping season that you want birds to leave your house alone. Birds and other pests can carry thousands of different diseases which can be easily passed on to children. Birds alone carry 60 different diseases in their droppings, and it’s just as easy for other vermin such as rats and possums to invade through the gutters.

    2) Look Out for Signs of Damp and Mould

    If you’re experiencing an increased level of damp and maybe even mould around the exterior walls, it may be time to check your gutters. If there is something wrong with them, or if they have been left alone for too long, the water can leak in from the outside. Damp and mould can cause many infections and breathing problems, especially in young children and the elderly, which could result in long term illnesses if left for too long.


    3) Stop Cracks in their Tracks

    Keep an eye out for any cracks and splits. While small ones might not seem like a problem, if left alone, they can quickly grow into larger cracks. If you leave these, they could easily damage any part of the guttering: shingles, foundations, anything. Maybe even leaking onto the exterior of the house, creating water damage and water flooding. The damage this causes could end up not only needing gutter repairs, but also costly repairs on your foundations, exterior paint, and decorations.

    4) Beware of Ice

    Experts suggest that you should clean your gutters at least twice a year; however, this is dependent on where you live. For example, if you live somewhere that is prone to cold winters, you should make sure that your gutters are cleaned regularly throughout the season as the accumulating ice can sometimes lead to ice building up and causing ice dams. If these are left for too long, they can bend your gutters a little bit, causing them to sag and water to pile up in one place if it is not repaired. If you live in fire-prone areas, it is important to keep your gutters clear of dry leaves and debris as they can catch fire easily. This could have a life-changing effect on you, your family, and other people around you, which you don’t want to be the cause of.

    Call in the Professionals

    Although having your gutters cleaned is mostly a simple task you can do by yourself, it can be quite time-consuming. If you don’t have the time to do this yourself, there are many options to have it done professionally. It’s a lot more affordable than people may think and it means that a better job is done as they can both clean and repair the gutters and they know what they’re looking for. They are also able to fit gutter guards – screens which can stop leaves and debris falling into your gutters. However, these will also still need maintaining if you want them to last the entire lifetime of your gutter system. In many cases, you can buy the materials alone so that you can do it yourself, but if you don’t have the spare time to do it, it’s best to get a professional involved.

    Talk to Aussie Gutter Protection, the leading gutter guard installation company in Melbourne. We’ll provide you with a personalised gutter guard solution for your home. Call the team to discuss your gutter protection needs or alternatively, leave an enquiry with us and we will be in contact with you within 24 hours.

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