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Five Reasons Why People Love Gutter Guards

Posted on March 11, 2020
By Aussie Gutter Protection
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    There are many reasons why individuals choose to install gutter guards. At AGP we’ve heard them all, and we’re proud to have so many happy customers. It’s not a surprise to us that once people choose to install a gutter guard on their home they rave about them to all their friends. These simple, little devices are cost effective and add value to your home. However, we’ve heard five reasons why gutter guards are the best decision for you. As such, we thought we’d share them with you. Remember, when you’re searching for what gutter guard.

    1. Fewer Falls

    House maintenance is both time consuming and risky work. One of the biggest risks involved in house maintenance is being up on a ladder cleaning the roof. Falls are the most common reason for nonfatal, serious injuries.  It’s also easier to have a secure grip on the group when you’re not perching at the very top trying to reach your gutters. A poorly created and maintained gutter will require you to be up on the ladder frequently. However, our gutters and gutter protection systems are high quality, and will minimise the time you spend on a ladder. As such, we can offer you a safer product that will reduce your fall risk.

    If you do have to be on a ladder, remember to always use three points of contact. This ensures that you have the most stable foundation on the ladder. For example, keep two feet and one hand, or two hands or one foot on the ladder at all times. Climb while facing the ladder and ensure that your ladder is insulated and nonconductive if you’ll be near electrical work.

    Integrated Mesh Guard bird proofing
    Gutter Cleaning

    2. Less Work

    As explained above, when gutters have the proper systems they require minimal cleaning. You’ll know it’s time to start cleaning your gutter when some part begins to overflow when it rains, or the downspouts have less water coming out. DIY gutter cleaning can be a very intensive job. In the ideal situation you’d be cleaning these gutters regularly, however, we know that life can get in the way of that. If you’re DIY cleaning you may struggle due to a lack of training, and the risks of falling. Cleaning the gutter yourself may mean that you’re not able to identify other issues connected to unprotected gutters like rotting fascia board or leaking gutters.

    While gutter guards are preventative against these conditions they do not eliminate them completely. Instead you can cut down your cleaning schedule to twice a year and hire a professional. Professionals will need to do less work and can advisor you sooner of any issues that they can see. Gutter guards last for a long time, and don’t require much attention. As such, cleaning and maintaining gutters can drop to the bottom of your to-do list – giving you time for the things that matter more.

    Speak to us about getting gutter guards installed for your home.

    3. Greater Ember Resistance

    Embers are flaming debris that are present before and after a fire. Gutters provide your home with a higher level of resistance as it prevents flammable material from gathering near the roof of your home. In the panic of a fire, gutters can offer you peace of mind.
    gutter guard mesh on corrugated roof

    4. Better Quality Tank Water

    Water is an essential resource. It’s important to reserve water where we can. However, you don’t want to use water that is unhygienic. Gutters can filter water before it enters into your water tank, meaning that it is more hygienic when it enters the tank. This means that you’re more ale to use and rely on the tank water, reducing your need to draw water out of the main system.

    5. No Blocked Gutters

    Gutter guards have a system that means when properly deployed in a gutter they are unlikely to be blocked. This is discussed above. It is important to realize that blocked gutters are a very serious issue because they can easily slip your notice. It’s essential that you’re aware of these potential pitfalls because blocked gutters can cause thousands of dollars in damage if they collapse. You can prevent these issues from happening by installing a gutter guard. You can gain the benefits of a healthy gutter, by using a gutter guard. They’re simple to put in place and they come in a wide range of colours and textures that allow you to blend the gutter in to the roof.

    If you’d like to find out more about gutter guards and its potential benefits feel free to peruse our website or chat to our friendly staff.

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